Visual Comparison of Art Stages in Style Mimicry

12 Dec 2024

Abstract and 1. Introduction

  1. Background and Related Work

  2. Threat Model

  3. Robust Style Mimicry

  4. Experimental Setup

  5. Results

    6.1 Main Findings: All Protections are Easily Circumvented

    6.2 Analysis

  6. Discussion and Broader Impact, Acknowledgements, and References

A. Detailed Art Examples

B. Robust Mimicry Generations

C. Detailed Results

D. Differences with Glaze Finetuning

E. Findings on Glaze 2.0

F. Findings on Mist v2

G. Methods for Style Mimicry

H. Existing Style Mimicry Protections

I. Robust Mimicry Methods

J. Experimental Setup

K. User Study

L. Compute Resources

A Detailed Art Examples

This section illustrates how images look like at every stage of our work. We include (1) original artwork from a contemporary artist (@nulevoy)[5] as a reference in Figure 6, (2) the original artwork after applying each of the available protections in Figure 7, (3) one image after applying the cross product of all protections and preprocessing methods in Figure 8, (4) baseline generations from a model trained on unprotected art in Figure 9, and (5) robust mimicry generations for each scenario in Figure 10.

Figure 6: 4 samples from the original artwork from @nulevoy.

Figure 7: Artwork in Figure 6 after applying different protections.

Figure 8: Artwork used for finetuning after applying preprocessing methods to protected images in Figure 7. Each row represents a protection, and each column a preprocessing method. Noisy Upscaling is the most successful preprocessing technique at removing the perturbations introduced by protections.

Figure 9: Generations in the style of @nulevoy after finetuning on unprotected images. Each generation is sampled with a different seed.

Figure 10: Generations in the style of @nulevoy using robust mimicry methods for the prompt “an astronaut riding a horse”. Each row represents which protection was applied to the finetuning data. Each column represents the robust mimicry method used. The first column indicates naive mimicry was applied (i.e. we trained directly on the protected images). Figure 9 includes sample generations from a model trained on artwork without protections.


(1) Robert Honig, ETH Zurich (;

(2) Javier Rando, ETH Zurich (;

(3) Nicholas Carlini, Google DeepMind;

(4) Florian Tramer, ETH Zurich (

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 license.

[5] The artist gave explicit permission for the use of their art